I would like to thank all those people who, over the last thirty years, have entrusted Phillips and Stubbs with the sale or letting of their homes. I would also like to pay tribute to all my colleagues who over the course of thirty years have applied themselves to the various challenges we have faced - without all these people collectively there would, of course, be no business.
Martyn Stubbs
General - Monthly Newsletter
Our Coastal and Country brand provides the platform for us to augment change and, by using the range and quality of services created around our local knowledge and specialisation, to market intriguing properties of merit in a superior manner by adopting a holistic and innovative approach by tailoring a plan that blends digital media, social web interaction and mobile marketing strategies. Add to these PR, research into the history and provenance of a property, interviews with vendors, high quality professional photography and sales integration – all aligning to produce the required outcome. A far better result than just focusing on specific components in a piecemeal fashion. People in general don’t buy a property because of its ‘features’ – they buy a home because of the way it makes them feel. It follows, therefore, that the marketing material should read less like an inventory of power points and cupboards but should inspire instead the interest and imagination of potential buyers, allowing them to connect with the home and the new life it could offer them.
Our book commemorates 30 years of selling homes in and around Rye if you could not attend the evening please do call into the office to collect your copy.
General - Monthly Newsletter | Latest Properties | Buyers Club | Vendors Club | Marketing
Our Coastal and Country brand provides the platform for us to augment change and, by using the range and quality of services created around our local knowledge and specialisation, to market intriguing properties of merit in a superior manner by adopting a holistic and innovative approach by tailoring a plan that blends digital media, social web interaction and mobile marketing strategies. Add to these PR, research into the history and provenance of a property, interviews with vendors, high quality professional photography and sales integration – all aligning to produce the required outcome. A far better result than just focusing on specific components in a piecemeal fashion. People in general don’t buy a property because of its ‘features’ – they buy a home because of the way it makes them feel. It follows, therefore, that the marketing material should read less like an inventory of power points and cupboards but should inspire instead the interest and imagination of potential buyers, allowing them to connect with the home and the new life it could offer them.
Our book commemorates 30 years of selling homes in and around Rye if you could not attend the evening please do call into the office to collect your copy.
General - Monthly Newsletter
The future is nearer than we think ......
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us.”
So it was that Charles Dickens described the transition from a rural economy to an era of manufacturing. An era which saw great upheaval and conflict but also tremendous discovery and innovation. It is a sentiment that might well apply to the present time as we move from the period of technology to the era of the consumer, and to the age of connections between and among people. An age where relationships come first and business follows later. The internet transformed our lives twenty years ago and the rate of change is gaining momentum with the advances of technology but it is Covid 19 that has amplified and accelerated everything with most people, to varying degrees, assessing and considering their lifestyle in the wake of the pandemic. The revolution that is breaking has put an even greater premium on privacy, space and amenity with an exodus from London of a younger generation seeking the sanctuary of a home with access to the sea and countryside and/or exploring a new work/life balance that enables many to work from home. As we move forward almost every one of our village houses will be a business, empowered by superfast broadband and each linked to every other in the world by satellite. Recessions inevitably come and go, being cyclical by nature, but we are witnessing dramatic structural change. We are indeed living through a revolution of the same magnitude as the one that Dickens experienced and which really did change everything. To succeed as a business in these challenging times.....click more below
General - Monthly Newsletter
30 years on, our book illustrates the history of our surrounding towns, villages and the wonderful properties that we have been fortunate to have sold over the years. A copy of the book was given to all the people who attended the event and we have saved one for the invitees who could not come....please come into the office to collect your copy.
We dedicated this second edition of our Coastal & Country book to the memory Of Dilys Mayor who worked for Phillips and Stubbs for 25 years into her early eighties. Dilys edited the first edition to commemorate our 20 years anniversary and ten years on, to mark our thirty years, we had hoped that she would have been able to participate again but she sadly passed away in July.
She had a wide circle of friends from all age groups and was involved in many aspects of the town's life. In particular, she was a mainstay of the Rye Medieval Society and founded The Rye Shakespeare Company, putting on plays indoors and out around Rye over many years. She was always busy seeing friends, attending committees, or writing, acting in or producing plays for the RSC and Rye Players.
She had lots of love to give and was loved by just about everyone who knew her……………We will all miss her greatly.